Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blake4D Interviews Montague The Vampire

If you want to read something that'll knock your socks off, go read about my friend, Blake4d and his interview with Montague The Vampire...

Fictional account?

I don't know... you'll have to learn for yourself - what you think this interview is about. Certainly, Montague is an interesting fellow.

Dark Art - An Interview With A Modern American Vampire On Being Human, Immortal, And The Practice of The Dark Arts by Blake4D a,k,a. Blake Hall IV

What do I know about Blake4d?

He's INTENSE and PASSIONATE... and very clever. If this little piece of written work is via Blake's passion and creativity, so be it... in my experience, many of the things Blake says/writes are not to be taken in 2-dimensional literal sense but offer TRUTHS of an abstract kind that many of us should pay attention to for their multidimensional qualities and inferences.

In the interview, the subject - Montague - claims to be a vampire, and also - to be a practitioner in the dark arts, among other things...

Take note (for those who would foolishly trade THIS life for that of one in vampire flesh and being) that Montague states, in no uncertain terms, that our society and media influences upon society have turned the idea of "the Vampire" into beings of no more depth than of clowns or criminals.

What do I THINK of the interview/article?

I think that the article contains a number of important messages that people should hear - about the media, religions, society, about our inner selves and truths within us... however, I do not know where Blake found this Montague...

Let me know what you think of Montague...